What is the Islamic State (IS)? Easy-to-Understand the Middle East ...

[ISIL] [Islamic State] is ignore the Israeli flag before conference ...

What is the Islamic State (IS)? Easy-to-Understand the Middle East ... Behavior of that in the general scheme can not be predicted also described [Islamic State] in Japan Date extremist organization that killed a Japanese hostage [Islamic State] is, to publish a No. letter journal "Dabiku", is possible to frustrate the pride of the Japanese government to support the neighboring countries of the Islamic State] activity area He said it was a purpose], and threatened the Japanese people. Statement provided earlier as follows, are intended to be losing the support of the Japanese people to the Abe administration. [Shinzo Abe is the courage, or will be able to announced that it will discontinue support for the war against the Caliph countries ([Islamic State]). It will not be first. His reign of the people, for the Japanese who worship other than Allah, Tell that it has been unplugged sword of caliph country by the power of Allah] For this purpose, the also to blame that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been a press conference against the background of the Israel national flag in Jerusalem on day 0 month, was reasonable for the [Islamic State].